Easter Sunday 2023

Pastor Aaron Au

April 9th, 2023

Expectations are powerful. They shape how we see and experience the world. For instance, dead people stay dead, don't they? That's what Mary Magdalene was expecting in John 20 when she went to the tomb that first Easter Sunday. So it's no surprise that she was shocked when the tombstone was rolled away and the tomb was empty. And why wouldn't she mistake Jesus for a gardener? He wasn't supposed to be alive after all.

And yet Jesus shattered all her expectations and continues to do so today, opening up our eyes to his resurrection reality by calling us by name. Please join us this Sunday as we celebrate the reality of the resurrection in community!


God’s Got It: Revelation 1:8 & 17, 2:8, 21:6, 22:13


Taking Jesus At His Word - Old Blind Spots and Knowing:  John 9