“Take up your cross and follow me."

Walking With Jesus

Avenue Discipleship Group


Spiritual formation, discipleship and mission are intimately connected in God’s kingdom. This six month journey called “Walking with Jesus,” aims to grow us in all of these areas as we learn to walk as Jesus walked (1 John 2:6, ESV)

The objective of the group is both inward and outward: “to become more attentive and responsive to God’s invitation and work in our lives and in our world and to invite others to the same.” We hope to learn, in community, how we might learn to walk closer in step with Jesus through spiritual practices and disciplines - some that Jesus himself practiced and others that have been shown to be effective throughout history. Some of the practices we will be exploring in large and small groups include praying the Psalms, contemplative prayer, mutual encouragement and story telling. In addition we will have monthly group spiritual direction and two silent retreats.

Our next discipleship group journey is scheduled to launch in January of 2021. Please contact Pastor Aaron for more details. (aaron@avenuechurch.ca)