Avenue Church Events Calendar


Regular Avenue Events



Each week Lodgepole Communitas Alberta Ave hosts a meal for the communities vulnerable people. Once a month Avenue sends a group of volunteers to prepare, cook, serve, and clean up. The evening hosts about 150 people on average yet we also enjoy in fellowship with our community and each other.


Church Camp.

Every year Avenue goes to camp for a weekend of fun and fellowship. We play games, worship, pray, sit around the fire, relax, and so much more. It’s a time where both adults and children can make memories and create deeper friendships through Christ.


Sharing Sundays.

Once a month we host a Sharing Sunday service where one of our members shares their faith journey through words, art or music or both. Every Sharing Sunday we follow the service with a community potluck or outside BBQ where we join in fellowship with each other and our extended neighbourhood community. Anyone is welcome.